This means you’re connected and ready to surf the web now. Eventually, you’ll see that the wifi bars symbol in your PC’s taskbar has changed into a desktop symbol.
Next, drag down your smartphone’s notification bar and tap on the USB notification.You will hear a recognition sound from your computer and see a notification as well. After your computer is turned on, connect your phone with it using the USB cable.Even a charging USB cable will work for this. Grab your smartphone and a USB cable and turn on your computer.Here’s how you can connect your desktop computer to a wifi connection without one: Use Your Smartphone as a Network Adapterīelow, we’ll tell you some simple steps that you can follow to have a wireless internet connection on your computer: If you don’t have a USB adapter, fret not. Can You Connect an Old Computer to Wifi?ģ Ways to Connect Your Desktop to Wifi Without an Adapter.How Do I Connect to Wifi on Windows 10 Without an Adapter?.Ethernet Connection Between a Router and Pc.Use Your Smartphone as a Network Adapter.3 Ways to Connect Your Desktop to Wifi Without an Adapter.