I could hear the extension, spaciousness, and textural definition that I knew the Shiraz could extract out of a record’s grooves. Zero ticks or pops, no more skips, and now there was top end - the highs returned, Albert Collins’s Telecaster regained that nasty attack, those biting overtones.
We slammed it back on the Xerxes 20 and the record was dead silent. Brown and I examined the record - it looked brand new. Off I trotted back to the Monitor Audio-Roksan room. Kirmuss polished the record with a microfiber cloth and slipped it into a clean sleeve. Step-by-step directions on the use of the cleaner:
Kirmuss 'In the Groove' Ultrasonic Record Cleaner - Upscale Audio Edition What's the difference between the standard model everyone else sells and the Upscale Audio Edition? Ours comes with the upgrade record washer assembly that fits three LPs and one 45 RPM all at once! The upgrade assembly retails for $350 all by itself! Notes